Gum Grafting in Colorado Springs

What is Gum Grafting?

Gum grafting is a dental procedure that involves taking gum tissue from one area of the mouth and grafting it onto another area where the gums have receded or thinned. This treatment is commonly used to treat gum recession, which can lead to tooth sensitivity, root exposure, and an increased risk of tooth decay. Gum grafting helps to restore the gumline, protect the tooth roots, and improve the overall aesthetics of the smile.

gum grafting in Colorado Springs

Did you know…

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Gum grafting can also help to reduce tooth sensitivity and improve the stability of dental implants.

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The Gum Grafting Treatment Process

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Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, our Colorado Springs dentist will evaluate your oral health and discuss your goals and concerns. This will help determine if gum grafting is the right treatment for you. Dr. Valenta will explain the procedure in detail and address any questions or concerns you may have.

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Preparing for the Procedure

Before the gum grafting procedure, Dr. Valenta will ensure that you are comfortable and relaxed. Local anesthesia will be administered to numb the area being treated. If desired, sedation options can also be discussed to help you feel more at ease during the procedure.


Gum Grafting Procedure

During the gum grafting procedure, Dr. Valenta will carefully remove a small piece of gum tissue from a donor site, such as the roof of the mouth or nearby gum tissue. The donor tissue will then be placed onto the area where the gums have receded or thinned. Dr. Valenta will secure the graft in place using sutures or specialized dental adhesive. The graft will then be left to heal and integrate with the existing gum tissue.


The Benefits of Gum Grafting

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Restored Gumline

Gum grafting offers a multitude of benefits, one of the most prominent being the restoration of your gumline. When your gums have receded, exposing the sensitive tooth roots, it can not only be visually unappealing but also affect your self-confidence. Gum grafting helps to cover these exposed areas, resulting in a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing smile. The transformation is not just cosmetic; it can have a profound impact on your self-esteem and overall sense of well-being. With a beautifully restored gumline, you'll feel more confident about your smile, making social interactions and everyday life more enjoyable.

Protection of Tooth Roots

Exposed tooth roots can be a cause of discomfort, sensitivity, and even dental problems. Gum grafting plays a crucial role in safeguarding these vulnerable areas. By covering the exposed tooth roots, it provides a protective barrier against external factors that can lead to sensitivity and discomfort. Furthermore, this shielding effect can significantly reduce the risk of decay, which is more likely to occur on exposed roots. Protecting your tooth roots through gum grafting not only enhances your comfort but also contributes to your long-term dental health by preventing potential damage and complications.

Improved Oral Health

Gum grafting has a ripple effect on your overall oral health. By addressing gum recession and covering exposed roots, it reduces the risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental issues associated with receding gums. Gum disease, in particular, can have serious consequences for your oral and general health, so preventing it through gum grafting is paramount. Additionally, the procedure promotes the development of healthier gum tissue and strengthens the foundation for your teeth. As a result, you'll not only enjoy improved oral health but also potentially reduce the need for future dental treatments and interventions. Gum grafting is an investment in your long-term well-being, ensuring a healthier and more resilient smile.

Have questions about GUM GRAFTING? Find answers here.

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When is gum grafting necessary?

Gum grafting is necessary when the gums are unhealthy due to recession or periodontal disease. Gum recession causes the roots of the teeth to become exposed, leading to sensitivity, pain, and an increased risk of tooth decay.

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What are the goals of gum grafting?

The goals are to rebuild and strengthen the gums by providing stronger and more durable tissue to the area and to improve the aesthetics by covering exposed roots and returning the gums to a healthy state.

Is gum grafting painful?

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With advances in medications and numbing agents, almost no discomfort should be felt during the gum grafting procedure. Dr. Valenta typically uses a procedure that completely avoids having to take the graft from the roof of the mouth. Also, we use L-PRF to help accelerate the body’s natural healing ability. It’s normal to have a few days of soreness afterwards that are easily managed with medication.

How long does the recovery take?

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Soreness typically lasts just a few days after the procedure. Depending on the type of procedure used, toothbrushing and diet may need to be modified for 3 weeks afterwards. Regular follow up visits are also necessary.

Dr. Valenta has been trained extensively by some of the best periodontal surgeons in the US including Dr. Edward “Pat” Allen and Dr. Lewis Cummings.

Did you know…

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Gum grafting can be performed using different types of grafts, including connective tissue grafts, free gingival grafts, and pedicle grafts, depending on your specific needs and the condition of your gums.